Thank you all so much for an excellent fall season!
I'm looking forward to spring! I have excellent chestnuts, oaks, hazels, hickories, persimmons and paw paws this year.
Hardwood cuttings of currants, elderberry, and willows are all available! I can send cuttings any time, email me if you'd like them before spring.
Email with any questions.

Walking Onions

Allium × proliferum – Watch your onions walk around the garden!


Quantity Per Item Price
1-2 $6.00
3-5 $4.75
6+ $4.00
Quantity Per Item Price
1-2 $5.00
3-5 $3.75
6+ $3.00
Discounted Total: $5.00

These are tough perennial onion plants. In spring, a delicious green onion emerges. As summer progresses, the top of the onion leaf forms a flower head of little onion bulbs!

Eventually, the weight of the onion bulbs becomes too great, and they fall over! From there the onion bulbs root and a new group of plants will form, thus completing one step!

Order bulbets to propagate your own plants! Simply plant them in a little soil and watch your walking onions grow! They can be store dried over winter to use to propagate in spring. They will also overwinter in a garden bed just fine.

Growth Parameters:

Expect an herbaceous garden perennial growing to about two feet tall. Leave space around the plants for them to fall over and spread!


Plants – Single Plant, 10 Bulbets

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