Honey Locusts are tough trees. They often sport absolutely wicked thorns! In cultivation, many people like to avoid these thorns by growing and planting Thornless Honey Locusts (THL), which are a subspecies of the regular Honey Locusts.
THL are very common street trees, displaying their adaptability to very tough conditions, lack of water, lack of rooting area, heat radiating from pavement, fumes, salt…and THL grows beautifully!
Honey Locust was one of the trees profiled in the book “Tree Crops” by J. Russell Smith. The pods are noted for their sweet quality as animal fodder “the cows eat the beans as fast as they fall” and it “offers a great crop possibility to a million square miles of the eastern United States in the climates of corn and cotton”.
Other great qualities of this tree are its nitrogen fixation, its light shade which would be great for mushroom yards, and quick growth.
Varieties Available This Year:
THL Seedlings: these seedlings are grown from nice mother trees with good form and pod production. Being seedlings, there is a small chance that they will come out with thorns, and anecdotally they can begin to express thorns upon heavy injury. However most of these seedlings will come out as beautiful thornless trees with tons of pods!
— What are seedlings? — Seedlings are plants that have been grown directly from a seed. They are genetic individuals with traits that are not exactly known. Often seedlings share characteristics with their parents, but exactly how much is shared depends on the species of plant. Having good parents certainly doesn’t hurt! —
Big Fatty: these grafted trees are a “cultivar of Thornless Honey Locust with large pods. It was originally harvested and introduced from the old Hershey Nursery in Downingtown, PA. It is annual bearing, unlike other cultivars.” (from Interwoven Permaculture). Expect loads of pods for silvopasture and wildlife plantings! ***ORDERS WITH BIG FATTYS INCLUDED WILL SHIP IN SPRING. THIS IS TO PROTECT THESE MORE TENDER ONE YEAR OLD GRAFTS***
Growth Parameters:
Expect a tough, full size tree that is adaptable to poor soil conditions but loves sunlight