Thank you all so much for an excellent fall season!
I'm looking forward to spring! I have excellent chestnuts, oaks, hazels, hickories, persimmons and paw paws this year.
Hardwood cuttings of currants, elderberry, and willows are all available! I can send cuttings any time, email me if you'd like them before spring.
Email with any questions.


Panicum virgatum – Native warm season grass


Quantity Per Item Price
1-2 $10.00
3-5 $8.75
6+ $8.00
Discounted Total: $10.00

New for 2023!

A beautiful native warm-season grass. Grasses hold on to soil extremely well, so use any place you’d like to control erosion. They also really give a dense planting a true meadow feel.

Bundle Size

5 rootlets

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