Senna is a powerhouse!
It is a member of the pea family, so it has many of the benefits of that group. Many pretty little leaflets throughout most of the season. The flowers are yellow with brown accents, which are very attractive to pollinators. It is also probably a mild nitrogen fixer.
Senna is also a potent medicinal herb: a tea of the leaves has a powerful laxative effect. This is so well established that senna is regularly prescribed in hospitals to counteract the constipating effects of opiates.
The seeds are great food for wild turkeys until they release from the pods. Senna seeds will self-sow well if they make it to the ground, so cut the seed stalks before they mature if you’d like to keep senna in place.
Growth Parameters:
Expect a multi-stemmed herbaceous perennial with stalks about 5 feet tall when flowering.