Thank you all so much for an excellent fall season!
I'm looking forward to spring! I have excellent chestnuts, oaks, hazels, hickories, persimmons and paw paws this year.
Hardwood cuttings of currants, elderberry, and willows are all available! I can send cuttings any time, email me if you'd like them before spring.
Email with any questions.

Sea Kale

Crambe maritima – Perennial Kale down by the sea!!


Quantity Per Item Price
1-2 $13.00
3-5 $12.00
6+ $11.00
Discounted Total: $13.00

Sea kale is an awesome perennial which is native to the salty sea shores around Europe.

It blooms in mid to late spring, and is covered in white flowers which are sweet-smelling, but with a slightly sour undertone as well.

Leaves are a nice edible early in the season when they are tender. The roots spread widely, and were dug up to be roasted by ancient peoples. Blanched shoots are reported to be a delicacy as well.

You can easily propagate sea kale from root cuttings! Plant in a soil rich with organic matter and you’ll be surprised at how far the roots will run in a season. Root pieces will be labeled with their orientation, the direction of the arrow shows which way is up, or which way is closer to the surface of the soil.

Growth Parameters:

Expect a low growing herbaceous perennial, around 2 or 3 feet tall during flowering.


Bundle – 5 Root Pieces

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