The milkweeds are an important group of plants for certain butterflies, including the monarch, which lay their eggs on milkweeds. Their caterpillars feast on the milkweed leaves. Be nice if you see the caterpillars eating your plants!
The flowers come out in early summer, they are deep red-pink blooms which are loved by butterflies and other pollinators. A patch of red milkweed will buzz with activity. A powerhouse for pollinator support!
Growth Parameters:
The red milkweed likes wet, sunny places the best, but does well with a little dryness and a little shade. It’s best to let this milkweed go to seed, then spread the seeds right next to your current plants to build the plant colony up. Individual root systems sometimes only last 3 to 4 years if not in ideal conditions.
Expect growth reaching 4 to 5 feet.