Thank you all so much for an excellent fall season!
I'm looking forward to spring! I have excellent chestnuts, oaks, hazels, hickories, persimmons and paw paws this year.
Hardwood cuttings of currants, elderberry, and willows are all available! I can send cuttings any time, email me if you'd like them before spring.
Email with any questions.

Illinois Bundle Flower

Desmanthus illinoensis – Pretty prairie nitrogen-fixer


Out of stock

Illinois bundle flower is a very attractive foliage plant. The small leaves have many little leaflets, which look fern-like.  The flowers are subtle little white globes, you can almost miss them on a plant or two, but they look beautiful with a whole patch of bundle flower! The seed pods are great little snacks for birds and persist for quite a while into winter. Leave seedpods for this purpose, and also grab some and toss them around the garden to spread this beautiful plant. There is certainly some magical chemistry going on with this plant as well, it is said to be an ingredient in a potent ayahuasca analog!

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