Orange milkweed is another close friend of the monarch butterfly, it hosts the larve in the lifecycle of the butterfly.
This plant is known to herbalists as pleurisy root, helpful for states of “atrophy, constriction, and excitation” (Earthwise Herbal Volume 2, Matthew Wood). While this species is generally considered secure, in some areas it has been pushed out of its native habitats. That is reason why hosting it in our own gardens is so valuable. This allows us to cultivate the plant and create an environment where it is appropriate to harvest it as medicine.
Growth Parameters:
This is a low growing perennial, 1 to 2 feet tall. For most people it will probably be enjoyed most in a garden setting, then when it is well established spread plants or seeds to other more marginal locations. It is deeply taprooted, so deep, wide open soil will yield the fastest growth and most stems from a single set of roots.